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Die Internationale Konferenz für Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (HCI) ist ein bedeutendes Forum für die Verbreitung und den Austausch von aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Informationen zu theoretischen und angewandten Bereichen der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion.
Das TIP Cluster ist auf der Konferenz mit zwei Sessions, die mehrere spannende Beiträge umfassen, vertreten:
Session I am 26. Juli, 13:30 – 15:30: Technology for Inclusion and Participation (TIP) & ICT for Inclusion (ICT4I) - I
- Preliminary Findings about an Office Chair as a Low-Threshold Treadmill Substitute
Thomas Keller, Sacha Guyer, Vanessa Manoharan, Ingo Bosse, Switzerland - “Is this real?”: Assessing the Usability and Accessibility of Augmented Reality with People with Intellectual Disabilities
Leandro S. Guedes, Irene Zanardi, Switzerland; Marilina Mastrogiuseppe, Stefania Span, Italy; Monica Landoni, Switzerland - Participation through Ιnovation – Mixed Reality in Vocational Rehabilitation Training to Prepare for the Labour Market 4.0 (Project EdAL MR 4.0)
Laura Wuttke, Christian Bühler, Linda Dziarstek, Yvonne Söffgen, Germany - E-Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Vocational and Professional Education and Further Training Organisations in Switzerland: First Results of a Quantitative Survey
Olivier Steiner, Fabienne Kaiser, Switzerland - Inclusiveness of Citizen Science - How People with Disabilities can Participate in Citizen Science Approaches
Daniel Krüger, Sarah Krümpelmann, Bastian Pelka, Ann Christin Schulz, Germany - Digital Participation of People with Intellectual Disabilities Living in Residential Institutions in Germany – Perspectives, Barriers and Implications
Vanessa Nina Heitplatz, Christian Bühler, Germany - Easy Reading – Keeping the User at the Digital Original: Assessment and Potential Use of Easy Reading for Digital Accessibility
Miriam Wüst, Nele Maskut, Lukas Baumann, Vanessa Nina Heitplatz, Leevke Wilkens, Susanne Dirks, Christian Bühler, Germany
Session II am 26. Juli, 16:00 – 18:00: Technology for Inclusion and Participation (TIP) & ICT for Inclusion (ICT4I) - II
- Modification of the Brief Measure of Technology Commitment for People with Aphasia
Bianca Spelter, Sabine Corsten, Lara Diehlmann, Mirjam Gauch, Marie L. Hoffmann, Sven Karstens, Almut Plath, Juliane Leinweber, Germany - Building an Online Platform for Speech and Language Therapy in Germany: Users Needs and Requirements
Katharina Giordano, Manja Wonschik, Juliane Leinweber, Germany - Comparison of Different Interaction Formats for Automatized Analysis of Symptoms in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Larissa Pliska, Isabel Neitzel, Michael Buschermöhle, Ute Ritterfeld, Germany - Promoting Independence through a Novel e-Learning Solution to Practice Online Purchasing
Sara Kjellstrand, Susanna Laurin, Lisa Engström, Sweden - The role of alternative texts and image descriptions in information processing - an exploratory eye tracking study
Susanne Dirks, Janna Dirks, Leevke Wilkens, Germany - Health Literacy and Behaviour of Young Adults with Hearing Impairment and Digital Measures to Improve them
Daniela Nussbaumer, Alexandre De Spindler, Daniela Händler-Schuster, Switzerland - Benefits of the use of ICT in Special Needs Education – an up-date through an extended systematic review
Daniela Nussbaumer, Ingo Bosse, Dennis Hövel, Switzerland
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